Archive Mode. Call NEMS All Member Exhibition at Wedeman Gallery ended on 9/24/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

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The New England Mosaic Society

Invites all members to participate in CALL FOR ART

Application Deadline September 24th, 2023, until 11:59pm

Wedeman Gallery

2023 All Member Exhibition 

“That Time Of The Year”

A prompt for the theme:  When the autumn leaves seem to burst into flaming color, or the first snowflakes fall, or an important anniversary looms into view, we often think to ourselves, "It's that time of year again".  We invite members to approach this theme from any angle that may inspire them, from abstract work that conjures the sense of a season, to imagery that one may associate with a specific time or event, (e.g. birthday, anniversary, holiday).


The Wedeman Gallery at the Yamawaki Art and Cultural Center, Lasell University

 Location:  47 Myrtle Ave, Auburndale, MA 02466

Exhibition Dates: October 4th- 28th, 2023

Reception: Saturday, October 28th, 2023 - 12:00pm-1:30pm (before the NEMS Annual Meeting)


Application Fee:  $20 for one entry, $30 for two entires

NEMS Members are allowed to submit up to 2 entries. 

All members who submit work will have a minimum of one piece included in the exhibition. 

Both 2-D and 3-D work can be submitted. 

2-D works can be no wider than 30", no higher than 45" and weigh no more than 50 lbs

3-D works can be no higher than 60", and no wider than 30" with no weight restrictions.

Artwork must have been created within the past 3 years and not shown in a previous New England Mosaic Society in person exhibition.


Sale of artwork:  If an artists would like to sell their work, the gallery will require a 10% donation at the end of the exhibit. 

If you do not want to sell your work, indicate this on your application.



In order to apply, your membership must be up to date.

To renew your NEMS Membership for 2023, or to join, visit us here.



Application Accepted from  July 14, 2023 - September 20, 2023, 11:59pm


 Notification of Acceptance  - September 22, 2022


Date of In Person Drop Off at Gallery - Saturday September 30th, 2023   Time: 3:00pm- 5:30pm

Drop off on Sept. 30th is the preferred method of receiving artworks. 

If you cannot deliver yourself, please arrange to have someone else make the delivery.

(Cathleen Newsham is able to deliver a small amount of 2-D work to the gallery on Drop-Off day, so if you have no other options, contact her at and you may be able to mail your work to her prior to drop off day.)

Pick-up of artwork will be after the exhibition reception on Saturday October 28th, 1:30pm-6:00pm



  • Submission attachments must be .jpeg file and under 4mb and a maximum of 4800px on the longest side
  • Submission attachments are permanently resized into 3 separate sizes (regardless of the original size): 100px1080px, maximum saved dimension setting (1920px by default)